This fat suit "experiment" is being shared for all the wrong reasons. Mostly the fact that it is about a girl who lies, not one who is fat. I've read recently a post about how attraction is not negotiable which reminds me of a time I tried dating a cute-faced fat girl. She was nice. Sep 27, · Simple Pickup recently uploaded two social experiment videos, and they're worth a watch. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised. Dudes.
Fat Dating Experiment. Fat guy/girl online dating experiment | IGN Boards

Prolly destroyed her but nothing I
online flirten lernen do about it. Comments 20 Share what you think. Fat dating experiment To Tease Bitches. In a way, if I were only slightly more beta and didn't know how to actually get laid or be attractive, then maybe I'd be able to fuck her, but then the question arises fat dating experiment whether she'd be able t fuck me for being such a beta. Tried dating a chunky girl who was really cool. My taste in women doesn't exactly fit the RP "ideal" but I'm not going to suddenly change my tastes just because it doesn't fit in with what this sub tells me I should be chasing.