Graphical overview of weak points of Ram II. I'm not playing WoT anymore, Matchmaking; Camo values;. Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, % crew is a fiction. The performance of your tank depends directly on the qualification of its crew. Each crew member is fulfilling one or several roles in your tank and the performance of your tank in those areas depends on their effective primary skill levels. For example, reload time depends on the Loader's skill.
Ram II Premium tank Patch 9.17.1 - Is it still worth it? World of Tanks Do you feel that -2 MM is good for regular tanks, but not for premiums? Welcome to Wot ram 2 matchmaking, the front page of the internet. IronBane 4 Posted Aug 17 - Windows 7 x86 Processor: Your high dps gun will allow you to kill it before it's gun kill you. Other premiums have have preferential matchmaking. Churchill Churchills have enough armor that penetrating it from the front is very tricky.
Wot ram 2 matchmaking -
You must be logged in to perform that action. During a battle, the remaining hitpoints of a vehicle are represented by the progress bars displayed over the targets you aim at. All damage counts, whether caused by direct hits, splash damage, ramming, fire or ammo-rack explosion. Note that by default the right mouse button also enables Automatic Aiming, therefore it is recommended to assign a different mouse button or key to Automatic Aiming. This is often the case for elements fastened to a tank's external hull, e.
Wot Ram 2 Matchmaking. The RAM II's Matchmaking - Medium Tanks - World of Tanks official forum
In Encounter Battles there is only one neutral base that both teams can capture. Every shot you take is dispersed randomly around the center of your aiming reticle, i. Game mechanics and technical limitations alike limit what you can see at any given moment. For example, reload time depends on the Loader's skill. Oxbotica shares self-driving data with insurers wot ram 2 matchmaking assess, control risk.