Some online dating scams aren’t dates at all, but a scam to hit you up with marketing emails or other spam. This annoying online danger usually happens when you first create your online profile and start chatting with other members. You’re asked almost instantly for your email address and are suddenly inundated with spam. You never hear. The State of Online Dating Sites: Winners and Scams. 6 COMMENTS. 0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 Email Flares × Recently I asked you to fill out a survey on the best and worst dating sites. About of you replied. About 5 men said they hated them all they were all scams or didn’t work. Well, nearly 20% of marriages happened off. Sep 29, · ALL sex dating sites are scams, usually run from America. Do not waste your money. Do not waste your money. If you want to meet a partner stay away from any site that offers members wanting just sex. THEY ARE ALL SCAMS!
Which Dating Sites Aren Scams. Online daters, be warned! 1 in 10 profiles are scams, report reveals | VentureBeat

It was a scam. She now examines photos of everyone who contacts her to see if she can match them in Google images to a real person. It is worth joining just to read about cross-cultural relationships and experiences. Also, fewer attractive ones which dating sites aren scams far. Military pictures should turn on your scam radar warning. What you need to know. Christine Davis, a design student who was duped by a fake profile, set up this particular site and wants to support others who have been targeted.