Re: Dating Law. The answer depends on the age of the minor. Be aware that depending on the age, YOU(as well as the 18 year old) can go to jail or lose custody, and if you are planning to okay such an arrangement, I strongly suggest you (1) rethink it, and (2) attend parenting classes to find out why your idea is inappropriate. Jan 30, · (Georgia) Dating a Minor (Under 18) I am a person above the age of 18, dating someone that is 16 years old (turns 17 in a couple of months) and I am located in Georgia. First of all, as far as I know the legal age of consent in Georgia is 16, correct? The penalties for violating the statutory rape laws in Georgia are quite stiff. For a “standard” case of statutory rape, the penalty can range from 1 to 20 years in prison. If the perpetrator is over the age of 21, the penalty is 10 to 20 years in prison.
What is the dating age law in georgia -
Dating is not legislated in any state so there is no 'legal age' at which you can, or cannot, date. What is the legal age to get a body piercing in Georgia? How does the age of legal consent work in Georgia? The penalties for violating the statutory rape laws in Georgia are quite stiff. B Purchase any cigarettes or tobacco related objects for any minor unless the minor for whom the purchase is made is the child of the purchaser; or. There are separate crimes for committing sodomy with minors. Retrieved 18 February The Assimilative Crimes Act 18 U. Skip to main content. The age of consent in Alabama is sixteen. If you go to an underground or unlicensed shop there is no telling what what is the dating age law in georgia could end up doing to your skin. Supreme Court has held that stricter rules for males do not violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution, on the theory that men lack the disincentives associated with pregnancy that women have, to engage in sexual activity, and the law may thus provide men with those disincentives in the form of criminal sanctions.

Non-intercourse sexual activity is also regulated based on age. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. You must enable JavaScript to use this application. State of Hawaii Department of the Attorney General. Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. The age of consent in South Carolina is
What Is The Dating Age Law In Georgia. What is the legal dating age in Georgia