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Kumukumu 1, a hilltop site in the Aird Hills: The remains of shellfish dominate many coastal archaeological sites university of waikato radiocarbon dating laboratory the Pacific and provide a wealth of information about economy, culture, environment and climate. Development of the SHCal13 calibration curve Specialisation in bone pretreatment and calibration Expertise in marine shell dating. The Shag River Mouth site in southern New Zealand has yielded a series of radiocarbon determinations from multiple sample types, which suggest that the site was occupied briefly in the 14th century. This may not be an appropriate assumption for many archaeological paired samples. The general limited lifespan of ships at the time makes this discovery the oldest known wreck from the region. Some initial results from We report carbon isotope measurements on pre-bomb museum samples of freshwater mussel shells collected alive from riverine locations in New South Wales, Australia. We report the results of radiocarbon determinations from the archaeological excavation of 70 shell mound deposits in the Wathayn region of Albatross Bay, Australia. The cave yielded several large charcoal fragments, which enabled the opportunity for obtaining multiple dates; thus, a First Radiocarbon Intercomparison Program FIP was initiated in using three charcoal pieces. Results indicate exploitation of the nearby environment, including the gathering of university of waikato radiocarbon dating laboratory million shellfish from riverine habitats at the base of the hill some years ago, and deposition of
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