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Guide de rencontres des geeks, Eric Smith, Bragelonne. The dating advice is what I would say is your "standard" dating advice, although framed for the "geek" audience who will get the 80 bajillion varied geekisms. The only consideration that is addressed in a short disclaimer and mentioned in brief apology throughout is that this is geared primarily toward men, rather than a more inclusive guide that recognizes the different aspects of dating within or without as the case may be the sub-culture for both genders. Practical advice from real people who have experienced infidelity on both sides of the situation. Eventually, we end up waist-deep in the harder stuff: Eric Smith has it loaded with references from every fandom, video game, and pop culture hamlet you can think of. Unless it was about the cake being a lie! His guide is told through a conversation. I would say I am a book geek there were a few more geeks in there I think I am, but the geeks guide to dating epub download this is mainly a book blog I'll pick
single witzenhausen one. There's even a hilarious To Serve Man footnote that had me rolling on the floor.