Continue reading "Dating Agency Cyrano: Episode 7" Toggle navigation. Min-young commiserates a bit with the part about the and in Dating Agency. I love him. SINOPSIS DATING AGENCY CYRANO || Drama Korea ini pertama kali rilis pada tanggal 27 Mei tahun , drama ini ber Genre Romance, comedy dan berjumlah 16 Episode, tayang setiap hari Senin & Selasa Pkl KST di siarkan di Stasiun TV tvN and OnStyle (Korea), Drama ini di perankan oleh aktor dan aktris yang berbakat serta . Dating Agency: Cyrano (ep) Jung Yu-Mi - Bong Soo the director and staff really did a great job! i hope there will be cyrano dating agency 2!!!!! looking.
Thanks for the recap! The drama does capture much of the feel of the original and even manages to make the back stage look similar too. Tapi ternyata ibu Yu Jin yang mengajukan protes pada atasan Min Young. Then he orders his team members to pack it up, and leaves an utterly shocked Min-young in his wake. Feeding him false hope is like poison in the world of dating. If that wasn't chemistry between Jonghyuk oppa and Sooyoungie, then I don't know what else sinopsis dating agency cyrano ep 7 part 2 call it.
Sinopsis Dating Agency Cyrano Ep 7 Part 2. Dating Agency Cyrano: Episode 7 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps
You need to enable JavaScript to vote. Tapi ia sempat melirik pada Min Young yang masih kebingungan dengan apa yang baru saja terjadi. Arti Mimpi Tentang Binatang 23 Desember He snaps photos of a certain chef and sends those to the team. AJ June 1, at 1: