What are the Marriage Age Requirement Laws in Texas? Texas law permits individuals who have reached the age of majority (18) to get married without parental consent. Jun 03, · Best Answer: If by date you mean social, non sexual dating then yes and parental consent is irrelevant. If by "date" you mean be involved sexually then no. The age of consent in Virginia is 18, with a close in age exception which allows teenagers aged 15, 16 and 17 to engage in sexual acts, but only with a partner younger than Status: Resolved. Jun 22, · There are NO laws ANYWHERE in the US regarding ages for dating. ALL age of consent laws apply to sexual activity, although that term includes more than intercourse. That said, if the parents decide they no longer approve, they can ban you from contact with their minor daughter and obtain a restraining intellectservice.org: Resolved.
Parental Consent For Dating A Minor In Texas. Parental Consent For Dating A Minor In Texas | Download PDF

If it is meant to be, she will still be interested in your when she is older. Since age, sex, and sex offender status is easily proven the state would be wasting time and money trying to prosecute when they can not get a conviction. If resident and 17 or 16 if living apart from guardian or parents and is self supporting or by marriage Fam. Related Questions Dating a minor? Planned Parenthood in trouble for giving abortions to minors without parental consent?!? Is it illeqal for me [16 to date a 19 year old?.?