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I got no warning, no suspension, no reason other than them saying "You were reported for harassing users". Archived from the original on October 9, For a Sapiosexual, Its the Brain". Don't sit around waiting for someone to come to you, respond back quickly if interested. Many people's accounts were suspended when a rejected stalker reported them - with NO due diligence on the part of OKCupid. As several readers have pointed out to me and from my own personal experiences, Okcupid is one of the those dating sites that seems to have a lot going for it on paper, but in reality has little to offer. I actually liked this dating site and was a paid subscriber for nearly 4 years. Then they will ask the target for thousands of dollars in order to run away and escape forever. Not sure okcupid free online dating to choose? Okcupid free online dating inthe site serves millions of members through a unique profile format and optional question and answer section. Please contact them directly, or follow these instructions to cancel your ongoing subscription: I only answered the questions I considered to be important like religious views, political views, sexuality, etc.

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