Oct 08, · I am a devoted Muslim man raising my daughter. My Muslim daughter not a Muslim no more. My Daughter is dating a Muslim!Status: Resolved. My Dad cut me out of his will for dating a black guy. this has nothing to do with your daughter dating a black man. especially with the muslim community. Jul 27, · Christian Mother And Muslim Daughter Divided, Then United, Still, my daughter and I talk around it, My Christian daughter is a Muslim.
Her father tore apart the family not her. Her online dating profile now includes everyone. Ironic that the darkest and lightest man on the planet are BOTH black lol. I have friends from all ethnic groups. We try to soft-sell the gospel.
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Is it located beneath earth? You prefer same race and she prefers mixing it up. I don't trust her and she's extremely impolite. Love him from afar and anyone else that shares his beliefs. However, I remain hopeful that I will make progress in all of these relationships over time. I felt so lucky. |
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July 1, at 6: How should I deal with my daughter? Thinking that every Muslim will plott terrorist attacks means you are off an ill nature. God doesnt put unequally yoked people together. June 13, at Are you sure that you want to delete this answer? |
As for what really happened to you there — 1. I have a similar one. Did he threaten to kill you? Muslims are told not to befriend, or marry people of other faiths. I think the problem is YOU. His dad was a talker and a story teller. |