Laser ablation ICPMS dating of zircon. The first attempts to date zircons with a laser probe coupled to an ICPMS (Feng et al., ; Fryer et al., ). Mar 25, · [31] Although long ablation times are uncommon in routine U-Pb zircon dating by laser ablation, since drill rates are generally relatively fast, we employed 55 . Accuracy of Laser Ablation U-Pb Zircon Dating: Results from a Test Using Five Different Reference Zircons.
Finally, Bernal et al. Author links open overlay panel Maxime Padel a J. Nisyros volcanic centre, SE Aegean arc. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. The following supporting information may be found in.
Laser Ablation Zircon Dating. U-Pb Zircon & Apatite dating - Chemostrat