Apr 16, · If you've got a car amplifier you'd like to use in your home, there's one major obstacle to overcome: how to power the amplifier. Wall outlets provide volt AC power, but amplifiers require volt DC power. Theres plenty of ways to hook that up in your house, I hooked an car amp up to my home stereo but intellectservice.org Aug 02, · Wiring a Car Audio Amplifier and Headunit Up Indoors how to wire up a car amplifier and headunit in your house without the need and easier hook up.
Hook Up Car Amplifier In House. How to Connect a Car Stereo Inside Your House | intellectservice.org
If hook up car amplifier in house have a factory deck and install an amp, there's really no wire to connect the amp to on the factory deck. Take that fuse out, wrap the remote wire around it, and connect it back where it was. Or if you can't find one then you could always connect a single speaker and use the balance and fade options on the unit to work it out for yourself. Once the power issues are handled, the video assists you with connecting your audio input. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.

I'm looking for a bit of help. Please enter a valid email. This setup certainly has a kick to it, great for parties. Keep your family productive, connected, entertained, and safe. Hack into live, public security cameras and web cams How To: Amp and headunit steps Only the amp steps Only the headunit steps 3, You want a powerful PSU for this, hook up car amplifier in house amps are important, the bigger the better really, from a reputable brand preferably.