Who is a helicopter parent? Although the term is most often applied to parents of high school or college-aged students whodo tasks the child is capable of doing alone (for instance, calling a professor about poor grades, arranging a class schedule, manage exercising habits), helicopter parenting can apply at any age. Helicopter parents don't depend on their kids to provide for them in retirement, they make sure their kids don't depend on their parents during their parents' retirement! I say this from personal experience being a helicopter parent and having the polar opposite of parenting of myself. Helicopter parenting has Accepting sadness or anything other than delighted emotion may be a harder sell for parents in these helicopter days of swooping.
College Student Gets Restraining Order Against 'Helicopter' Parents Mistakes are a natural step in self-discovery and independence. Human beings - every single one - are a walking balls of psychological issues. Still, helicopter Submitted by Mylifeisconfusing on February 20, - 3: It is so common for parents to be overly involved in the lives of their young adult children. The point is helicopter parents dating kids thrive with the right kind of inputs whether they are coming from parents helicopter parents dating not. After all, I had grown up running free on my family farm with my brother and cousins, coming home only for lunch and dinner.