The community is mighty curious about how the Hearthstone matchmaking system is designed to work, or more specifically how it determines your opponent. How does Hearthstone match you with opponents in Play mode, for both Ranked and Unranked? Does your record in Ranked affect matchmaking in Unranked (and . The community is mighty curious about how the Hearthstone matchmaking system is designed to work, or more specifically how it determines your opponent.
I followed the suggestion and aafter completing the hearthstone matchmaking not working i had a match at the EU server. Legendaries aren't instant win. Hearthstonesp 19 viewers [Es] Comunidad Hearthstonesp. Also tried to open up other Blizzard games but they worked fine. Submit a new text post. Bear in mind that the month has only just started, so all the players have been thrown back to level 20, which means hearthstone matchmaking not working you're going to get a cross-section of -everyone. It's very hard to be the first one to Legend, besides the grind it also requires a lot of skill you need hearthstone matchmaking not working have quite high win rate to get there so fast. For the quest for the murloc portrait I made a new acc, needless to say its f2p. Have something to say? Having bought only card packs with gold if you've been playing since release is also rather underwhelming. Now I often beat opponents with much better decks than mine and that gives me a good feeling.