May 24, · A schoolgirl who left the Jehovah’s Witnesses after learning of its alleged failure to protect vulnerable women has blasted the organisation in . Ex Jehovah's Witnesses Support. K likes. This page was created for ex-JWs to meet, discuss experiences, and encourage one another while. May 21, · EX JW's Posted: 8/6/ PM: Im EX-JBorg, was just looking to see if theres any ex-JW dating sites, and wondering if it would work if i started one.
Meme Me During Armageddon i. Margery Discovering Biblical truths that contradicted the Watchtower, she left for the real Truth. Margery knew she had to leave the organization, even if it meant loosing the friends she held so dear. Amber Missing the sense of security in the Watchtower, she sought where to go and found Christ. According to an acquaintance of mine, Jehovah Witness relationships are
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