Feb 13, · Would it be awkward or would it bother you if you dated a person with the same name as your ex? Like what if you were a girl who was dating a guy named Jason and then you two break up and after a few months you're in another relationship with ANOTHER guy named intellectservice.org: Resolved. Dating Advice for Young Dating and Relationships. Can I date a girl with the same name as my ex? Update Would you date someone who has the same name as your ex? It is a fairly generic and common male name. Think along the lines of John or Michael. So I get it's not that weird or uncommon to find someone.
Would you date someone with the same name as your ex or previous crush? Then it might reflect some inner neurosis you haven't dealt with. It's now on my "never ever" list, if only because my friends would never let me live it down. And you dated people with the same name lol. It's just a name. My ex had an ex with my name, Stephanie.
Dating Someone With The Same Name As Ex. Dating someone [30M] with the same name as my ex [29M]? : relationships
Your Ex Is Dating Someone Else? Here's What to Do The first Des i met liked me but i didn't like him. Would that bother you or weird you out? IS it ok for me to tell him it bothers me? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Also close this question. After maybe 4 years I could be with another guy with his name… depending on if we still had some sort dating someone with the same name as ex friendship or not. I'm sure it would work the same way with people, right?