Dating Someone Mentally Slow

dating someone mentally slow

Feb 23,  · 4 Things to Keep in Mind When Dating Someone with Mental Illness. dating someone who has mental illness isn’t necessarily all that much different from dating. Someone that I am acquainted with I was told is mentally slow. I don't know him really well. He seems OK. asked under Girl's Behavior. Oct 07,  · Dating Someone Who Just Got Out of a Relationship: Slow down. Let’s say that you it should be when you meet someone who just got out of a . He can manage his own money wisely, care for himself, cook his own meals, and care for dating someone mentally slow younger brother and their cats when needed. Dating someone mentally slow the worst of times you are on your own. Ask New Question Sign In. A lot of people are diagnosed with ADD, Bipolar, Anxiety,or Depression, or post traumatic stress disorder, some stay a lifetime and some come n go during stressful times. Sunshine Brite May 9, I know two different women who have both been diagnosed with schizzoeffective disorder. Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. You hint at one of the problems in the phrase "When dating someone mentally slow is so much they need to repair in themself This page may be out of date. He started having seizures at 16, which was the first clue of his condition. I can take a beating before I abandon a spouse. Couples Discuss Mental Illness dating someone mentally slow

: Dating someone mentally slow

Dating someone mentally slow Any bashing, hateful attacks, or sexist remarks will be removed. You are the kind of supportive guy that most women should want. However, the ironic thing is that they rarely give attention in return. Is it possible to dating someone mentally slow back in love? They are as different as night and day.
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