Jan 22, · My good friend is dating my ex, we broke up about a month or so ago and she didn't even ask me if i was okay with it. he broke up with me and he still had feelings for me but we were on and off so i didn't want to go through that again so i didn't go out with him again. but no she is dating him i am jealous and i Status: Resolved. Nov 20, · One of my best friends who i have known for a while, just recently started dating my ex-girlfriend. (we broke up 5 months ago) He came to me and asked if it was ok (a few days after he hooked up with her) that they started dating because he "really likes this one." During our friend ship we made a strict pact to 1) not date friends Status: Resolved. Jun 26, · Background info: I dated my ex for about 2 years and it ended about 4 months ago. So I just discovered that my ex boyfriend Status: Resolved.
I still miss her sometimes, and I still wish he was never in the picture. That's drama waiting to happen right there. I would say dating my ex friend yahoo you should just move on with your life. S ex, celebrity feature the direction that the direction is there. She dated this guy for a freaking week, you can't get to know any person in a week.
Dating My Ex Friend Yahoo. Friend dating my ex girlfriend Why does it bother me so much? | Yahoo Answers