Slang and Terms of the 70s, words and phrases that helped define the decade. For those of a certain age, the word “macramé” might spark painful memories of fringed waistcoats, owl wall-hangings, and rope hammocks. The craft of knot tying was the fad of the Seventies. You weren’t truly a free spirit unless you could knock out a macramé string purse. That was, until. intellectservice.org - the official over 70 dating site for senior singles. A lot senior citizens are single or single again at this time of their life.
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Being over 70 means that you might be spending whole days alone, waiting for your kids and friends visit you. Though most aims of the movement were successful, however, there were some significant failures, most notably the failure to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U. Fantasy tale, made in Japan, about the world's richest man who invades a newly-discovered prehistoric world to stalk a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Powerful refilming of the William Gibson classic about young Helen Keller's first encounters with Anne Sullivan, who would be her teacher and life-long companion. Another Asian touchstone beginning in the early s was Hong Kong martial arts film which sparked a greater interest in Chinese martial arts around the world. NASA had planned for a shuttle mission to the space station, but the shuttles were not ready to fly until , too late to save it. The term describes a general new attitude of Americans towards atomized individualism and away from communitarianism , in clear contrast with the s.
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