Aug 01, · I have a Emerson parts bulletin A dated 3/1/29 for Emerson table fans dating that do not make mention of a shop number when ordering parts. Click here to create a custom Emerson ceiling fan to match your decor. The Fan Page Antique and Vintage Emerson fans are legendary for their longevity and reliability, dating to the same time period as the C shown above.
Dating Emerson Fans. Antique and Vintage Fans | Collectors Weekly
Dating emerson fans -
Nice fans they are. Fan is an old model with a molded, heavy cast iron base. I would go with early s and that is probably as close as we can get. Photos above and below are of an Emerson "tripod" in my collection. Add 20 to that number to get the year your fan was made. This fan is finished in an attractive brown crinkle finish and does not oscillate. Last mechanical start switch 11xxx and 12xxx types.
Dating emerson fans -
You'll note it has wide blades like the C Cat. Brand see all Brand. Hunter fans made before will say Fulton, N. It's very simple, you have a 50 cycle "version" of the common Emerson They are greatly improved with colorful plastic blades, a revised guard that meets the current OSHA safety standards, a stamped steel motor housing with permanently lubricated bushings, and a molded plastic line cord and plug. The fan is a 12" model, and uses Improved Parker blades. Steel cages from here on forward. Ron Powell Guest Joined: I am not sure exactly what you did when you say that the fan blade came off leaving the hub on as the blade is permanently attached to the hub of the blade. This fan uses the famous Emerson hollow shaft motor bearing. What do you think boys and girls? And if your thinking that they need the date code dating emerson fans order dating emerson fans, why? This 16" Hunter fan is from the 's.

The fan shown here is an early with a porcelain speed switch. The wide, overlapping blade design was patented by GEand thus, other manufactures selling overlapping blade fans had to do so under license. It had a red and black badge, which was used dating emerson fans the Junior fans from to Ben Petry January dating emerson fans, at 3: Hopefully the date code will be visible. This is because other manufactures used the blades under license from GE.