Conserving the world's bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet. On this site, guidelines for H&B pro model bats have been divided into three dating periods: Hillerich & Bradsby, ; Hillerich. Bat Info Page. There have been a number of labeling changes to Hillerich & Bradsby (Louisville Slugger) bats over the years. On this page I will briefly outline some common information regarding labeling periods.
Using promotion schedules, sponsorship or center brand and barrel variations, the bat can be dated to a specific year. Same goes for collared shirts - they dating bats sell on ebay for because of a similar misconception that they must be from or earlier and of course the sellers usually advertise them this way. They introduced dating bats "Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo for the season and in and you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. BCI relies on the support dating bats our amazing members around the world. Copyright Hall of Fame Bats. Open any exterior doors and windows in the room the bat is flying around.
Dating Bats. Metal Bats, Aluminum & Composite Baseball Bats - Louisville Slugger®