I was a "nice Jewish girl" looking to date a "nice I just hoped my father would agree and come around to the idea that dating - even marrying - a non-Jew didn't. Mar 13, · Auntie states that SmileyMo is “Jewish for better or worse. That will never change.” So despite SmileyMo’s atheism and failure to follow the traditions and rituals of Judaism, for her it is something in the blood, a continuation of ethnic lineage. Aug 15, · Yay, all your kids will be Jewish. In Judaism, the bloodline follows the mother. By virtue of you marrying and procreating with her, you are contributing to expanding the Jewish religion. Given that there are only million Jews worldwide (I know, it feels like they're all on the Upper West Side), this is a serious Mitzvah. You .
Dating A Jewish Girl As A Non-jew. Son is Dating a Non-Jew: Intermarriage Response on Ask the Rabbi
Don't feel sorry for her; she chose to stay true to the Torah and her beliefs. Open your heart first, and then your doors. Building a Jewish home is the biggest victory over the nazi's and those before them who tried to destroy us. Caring about the future generations. What's the point of reciting Shema, if one disagrees with the content?
Dating a jewish girl as a non-jew -
While there is nothing wrong with that, per se, the lack of understanding of Jewish law and what tradition actually means, Webster's doesn't quite define it in Jewish terms! Those quoting this as a way of religious life are not living a Jewish life. Are Arab American men ok with the idea of dating a Jewish woman? And what of his own spiritual awakening? Her boyfriend has begun learning more about Judaism, and is very respectful of it. The more liberal branches of Judaism have tried to embrace intermarried couples, hoping to slow the hemorrhaging from our community, but it is questionable how effective this has been in stemming the tide, given the statistics that intermarried couples are unlikely to have any Jewish involvement or to raise their children Jewish. Munteanu Romica Iasi, Romania October 24, This is not the Middle East! The Torah is an instructions book on how to maximize the gift of life. He obviously appreciated your beliefs, and with the ultimate goal being that you raise your children in the jewish customs, it seems he would have been happy with that. We shower them with warmth, acceptance and love, both emotionally as well as practically, in all areas. Only this brings spiritual evolution.