No link posts not directly featuring something related to company of heroes. Super sentai is a long. It looks like you’re new here. 22 posts in this topic. The publisher will continue working on company of heroes 2 following. Does absolutely nothing to teach viable builds in any way at all. As with the original company of heroes, that the publisher will . Company of Heroes 2. Company of Heroes 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Andras and the horrible matchmaking and balance. Company of Heroes 2. the matchmaking on COH 2 is awful there always seems to be one or two people who are lagging everytime! and puts a team of lvl 20+ against.
Maybe its time to uninstall the game if player numbers are not suiting random team play. It is not a fair fight! These features are mainly from a game design point over balancing of certain units. Ofcourse it does but if you meet a level three hundred when you're level one hundred, it will most likely mean nothing. Most of the time I get very hard opponents with prestige lv 1, 2 and 3!
Company of heroes 2 matchmaking not working -
I really want this game to go forward and I want to stick with it. It is quite frustrating getting paired against another player with a much high level and times the amount of hours you have in the game: Most people are not going to be able to remember what each opponent had on the loading screen. This page was last edited on 4 March , at Only link your own content if you're a participating member of the community. Certain maps have frozen bodies of water, allowing for more movement options.