Doesn't Carbon Dating Prove the Earth Is Old? BY JOHN D. MORRIS, PH.D that the earth's age exceeds the time it would take for C production to be in. A Close Look at List of Young-Earth Arguments from Kent Hovind ('Dr. Dino') and Other Claims: Carbon dating. At a very steady rate, unstable carbon gradually decays to carbon The ratio of these carbon isotopes reveals the ages of some of Earth’s oldest inhabitants. Radiocarbon dating is a technique used by scientists to learn the ages of biological specimens – for example, wooden archaeological.
How Does Radiocarbon Dating Work? - Instant Egghead #28 Besides tree rings, ice cores, and sediment varves, there are other processes that result in yearly layers that can be counted to determine an age. This is called a two-component mixing line. There are in fact many, many more parent isotopes than those listed in Table 1. Nuclear chemists and geologists use carbon dating earth age different kind carbon dating earth age figure to show all of the isotopes. The fact is, carbon dating can only be used to date things up to approximately 50, years old. Another example is driftwood, which may be used as construction material.