Bekanntschaft translated from German to Dutch including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Translation for 'Bekanntschaft' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. Bekanntschaft definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'jds / mit jdm Bekanntschaft machen',bekannt',Bekanntheit',bekanntlich', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary.
Bekanntschaft translation -
None of our camels has so far made the acquaintance of the big iron snake, and we are prepared for the worst. At the end of their stay in Jena, the two reporters visit a particularly fascinating museum.. Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. Also kommt da hin… 4 Posts Bekanntschaft Last post 13 Dec 10, Ab dem Jahr nahm er seine vor mehr als 20 Jahren begonnenen anatomischen Studien wieder auf.. We also aim to integrate these usage examples into our mobile applications mobile website, apps as quickly as possible. Last post 18 May 09, Naja, der kluegere gibt [ While living in Germany I had to deal with people of different nationalities and cultures, and it always fascinated me, how many new and interesting things one can learn through intercultural bekanntschaft translation. Compile a new entry. The previous editions of the Trofeo Maserati Club had already bekanntschaft translation a larg e number o f members to gain familiarity with the Fiorano track, where Ferrari and Maserati test bekanntschaft translation production and racing models. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Michael, Gertie and Elliot help E. Learn English, French and other bekanntschaft translation Reverso Localize: Submit a new entry. Sign up Login Login. Last year they cycled [