Which Austin and Ally are you? Find out in this quiz! Which Austin and Ally are you? Find out in this quiz! (Hides behind Austin) What's your favoraite color? (Me: Don't hurt me!) Green, or white, they both remind me of pickles Yellow?
Austin and ally dating quiz -
Austin's on stage Austin: How are we supposed to be in a relationship, but spend time acting like we're not? I want you to help me finish the songs. I know how much you love him, and I felt bad for being late. Austin and Ally are then seen outside and they temporarily broke up. I wrote all my songs here, we all became friends here.

The Movie Wizards of Waverly Place: Should I be on your left or your right? The Auslly Arc includes these episodes:. I wanted to give it to you earlier, but I had to wait to get it autographed. Some kind of singing surfer? Say no or start freaking out. We only have austin and ally dating quiz line each and you've already made me rehearse it for three hours Ally: I don't even remember why I like him. He later realizes that he still have feelings for Ally and decides he wants to get back together with her. I can't show my face in front of Dallas.