17 Year Old Dating 13 Year Old Illegal

17 year old dating 13 year old illegal

Is it illegal for a 17 year old girl to have a relationship with a 21 year old male in the state of MA? With physical contact? I am a 21 year old . My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications? Your year-old son is dating a year-old female classmate – no big deal, right? Jun 02,  · 17 year old dating 13 year old girl, is this illegal? Is it illegal for a 13 year old to date a 17 year old? 17 year old dating my 13 year old friend? More questions. Is this legal? 13 year- old dating 17 year- old.? Is it illegal for a 17 year old to date a 13 year old? Answer Questions. Why did the DNC prevent the FBI from investigating their servers? Status: Resolved. 18-Year-Old Explains Motive For Going on The Run With 13-Year-Old Girlfriend We have crappy laws that are so ridiculous. My neighbor frequently gets irate about the state of my yard. My husbands mother passed away. Traffic on JustAnswer rose 14 percent As a result it is best for the adult to wait for the minor to become an adult in order to avoid the presumption that the relationship has involved into a sexual one. Get a Professional Answer Via email, text message, or notification as you wait on our site.

17 year old dating 13 year old illegal -

Save your draft before refreshing this page. I'm sure your a great girl and can meet someone in school. Related Questions More Answers Below Is it appropriate for a year-old boy to date a year-old girl? A Hot Topic Among Teens The recent discovery that year-old actress Jamie Lynn Spears, the sister of pop star Britney Spears, became pregnant by her year-old boyfriend has again turned consensual sex among teens into a hotly contested issue. If the guy marries her though then no one has a problem with 19 v 13 relationships. Keeping this in mind, the typical 13 year old girl is going to be functioning a full 4 years behind the typical 17 year boy on several levels: Is it illegal for a 19 year old to date a 13 year old?

17 Year Old Dating 13 Year Old Illegal. 17 year old and a 13 year old dating?? ? | Yahoo Answers


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