Sep 25, · ive been in like a myspace/texting relationship. we tell each other we love you and stuff but he is 17 and im is it weird that we are dating?? he is the nicest guy ever though. he would do anything for me. we have been dating for 3 months and he is coming to see me next month. i just neeed some advice on what to do? should i move Status: Resolved. I believe that it is alright for a 13 year old to date a 17 year old, and long as she has know him for quite a while, feels comfortable around him, and knows that he would not do anything to harm her. If a 17 year old boy and a 13 year old girl were to date could a 3rd party press charges? The boy and girl are not sexually involved and parental permission was given.
13 Year Old Dating 17. 17 year old and a 13 year old dating?? ? | Yahoo Answers
13 year old dating 17 -
It depends on what state you live in. EPA chief Scott Pruitt facing more calls to investigate housing arrangement. Start Now at betterhelp. Also about pregnancy and STI's and basically tell her you forbid it, she will be angry with you now but she will thank you when she has completed school, working in her dream job and finds the right partner at the right time. Also keep that in mind. Turn on more accessible mode. Move if u 13 year old dating 17 to. Is it bad to date a year old when your 17? If you can't talk to her, take her to someone who can. You can't split up true love. Related Questions Are 17 year old guys interested in 13 year old girls?