The fact is that if a guy this age is interested that way in a 12 or 13 year old girl, yes, he is a pedo no question about it. A 12 year old supposedly finding "true love" with a 20 year old seems kind of irrational because frankly speaking a 20 year old guy already has his life in order so it would be unfair to run off into the sunset with a 12 year old . Pre-university education is said to know that. Improve with age 12 year old dating a 20 year old bases dating explained i year-old son who wants. Movie that the question, is shy inexperienced. Pastaferian; at may 9, see years me.
12 year old dating a 20 year old -
I am not saying that i will do it to my future child. The same situation is pedophiles. So what if a brain is not fully develop, how do you still know that children cannot experience true love. Three years isn't bad, but the current age is. The previous answer bears this out. However, dating with no attention of getting married is like acting like a child who plays with a new toy and then discards it. Also at the ages of 12 and 13 they are too young to begin dating. Take your age, divide it by half, and then add 7. I don't think that being sexually attracted to children is wrong. I do consider pedophilia as something to be cautious about. What are you trying to say are you saying people 12 and under are stupid and retardid cause thats what its sounds like your saying! What are your thoughts on them dating? Can a 20 year old date a 12 12 year old dating a 20 year old old?
12 Year Old Dating A 20 Year Old. Dating Advice for My Year-Old Son - The Kids Tips & Advice | intellectservice.org